
New Titan Mfg. 3 Point Spear

New Titan Mfg. 3 Point Spear
Stock# 65085 - $500 - Located in Wicksburg, AL
View More: Tractor Implements

2021 Titan Mfg. 9300S 3 Point Spear Features

  • Weight: 87 lbs.
Please review all features with a salesperson. We try our best, but sometimes features and weights get mislisted.
All Implements, except those sold AS IS, will be run through our shop AFTER they are sold.
Pickup/delivery time is based on shop schedule at the time of purchase.

We look forward to hearing from you!

From our customers...

Dear DHMCO Wicksburg crew,
I cannot thank you enough for the work you put into my trailer. It looks fabulous!! You went WAY above and beyond my expectations and dont think I didnt notice that you fixed things that I did not even specify in my communication. If everyone had the dedication to servicing trailers that you guys do.well I guess you guys wouldnt be the best! But they dont and you DO so you ARE! As you know I have owned many trailers from other manufacturers and companies and NEVER had this kind of attention and caring service. From the owner of Bison on down to the sales team and service departments at Conyers and Wicksburg!! You guys are truly amazing and most appreciated. Im sure I will buy another trailer in the future and I can promise you it will be from Dixie Horse & Mule!!
I just want you to know that when I got my trailer delivered to my door no less and was throwing stuff in to make the 8pm performance on Friday night, I began noticing the things that had been fixed and spiffed up like the damage my horse did and I can tell you I did stop and take a moment to be truly humbledit is not often you get more than you ever expected. Thanks guys!!!! I will continue to sing your praises and send you more customers!!!
Most sincerely,
Michelle St.Clair