
Nationwide Horse Trailer Delivery

We can deliver your new horse trailer or tractor to you!

We sell horse trailers and tractors throughout the United States and around the world. We offer trailer delivery through a professional, licensed and insured transport company. If you need to have a horse trailer delivered outside the continental US, we will work with the overseas transport provider of your choice.

Deliveries are arranged around your schedule. Dixie Horse & Mule Co staff and your delivery driver will be in contact with you to ensure prompt delivery and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Contact us for more information on having your new horse trailer or tractor delivered to you.

Where has Dixie Horse & Mule Co sold horse trailers?

Delivery Quote

Be sure to specify which trailer you are interested in, if you have a trade-in, and your location, including zip code.
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    What Our Customers Say...

    Hi Mike, I wanted to let you know we made it home with the trailer just fine. I also want you to know that we drove away from there with complete satisfaction. I have never been so confident after purchasing something in my life. I know by the work we saw the crew doing that this trailer will meet all my expectations.
    The entire team at Dixie Horse and Mule made us feel welcome the minute we stepped out of the truck. The maintenance crew you have went above and beyond while we were waiting.
    There is no doubt I will be back for my next trailer and I know the recommendations my mom and I give will be numerous.

    Thanks again,

    Roxanne Chisolm
    Lexington, MS